Planet's Crystals and Days of the week

Planets and days of the week thoroughly studied at Vedic Astrology. Daily planning based on this ancient science suggest when it's the best time to rest, travel, work around the house, or push yourself work harder. If you would like to live in harmony with yourself, world and others, this article can be useful for you.

Jyotish or Vedic Astrology

Jyotish translated as “science of Light” from Sanskrit. It's an ancient study about:
  • How our world works
  • How person works in inner and outer world
  • How destiny appears in this world
  • How karmic potential applies in time.
In Joytish is believed that nine Planets have an impact on people: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venice, Saturn, plus two planets, that are not developed in physical world Rahu and Ketu. Every Planet has its own character and influence of each day of the week. We prepared a list of Crystals ruled by Planets and Days of the week.

Sunday, Day of Sun

According to Vedic Astrology, the first day of the week should be Sunday, SUN DAY, English word kept it's original meaning. Sun is associated with masculinity, the begging of everything.

Sun is an energy of life, happiness, passion to live and work. On Sunday it's great to start planning for a week, think about new ideas, goals, and ways to achieve it. It's a great day for walks in the fresh air and enjoying sunshine – you'll charge yourself for the entire week.

Best Crystals connected to Sun and help to harmonize it's energy on Sunday

Monday, Day of Moon

Moon associated with feminine energy, that's why it's so hard to wake up early and go to work on Monday. Energy of Moon it's caring of loved ones, peace, and calmness, it's also sensitivity and vulnerability.

Moon influences on water and making Moon water has been an ancient tradition. Our body consist of 70%-80% of water, and it's no surprise that our emotions depend on Moon.

On Monday it's advised to slow down, take care of house responsibilities, or take care of yourself ( a bath, spa day or so). Also, any water related procedures work great for Monday. If Monday spent in a stressful mood, them the rest of the week will just attract more tiredness and stress.

Best Crystals connected to Moon and help to harmonize it's energy on Monday.

Tuesday, Day of Mars

Mars is one of the most active and aggressive Planet. On Tuesday you should be careful in communication with others, it's a chance to get involved in conflict, argument, as well as a fight. It's best to show understanding to others and stay consciousness to avoid aggressive responses.

On Tuesday it's a best day to plan important but postponed tasks. Willpower and determination will help to stay active until evening and finish everything as planned. Tuesday is a least good day to meet friends and family for fun.

Best Crystals connected to Mars and help to harmonize it's energy on Tuesday.

Wednesday, Day of Mercury

Mercury has very good, easy going active energy. It's responsible for intellect, sense of humor, it' a great day to learn or start something new. On Wednesday it's a great day to meet with friends and business partners, make deals or sign contracts, take language or sport classes and perfect day for communication and socializing in general.

Best Crystals connected to Mercury and help to harmonize its energy on Wednesday.

Friday, Day of Venus

Day of Venus is perfect for creation, art, music. On Friday it's great day for watching movies, listing or creating music, art.

Venus is beauty, creation, love, and everything lovely to your eyes. Friday is a great day for dates, romance, and anything beautiful. Friday is also great day for weddings, the marriage will be strong, based on love and understanding.

Best Crystals connected to Venus and help to harmonize its energy on Friday:

Saturday, Day of Saturn

Saturn carries the most difficult karma. On Saturday it's better to focus on self-control and discipline. It's a great day for cleaning and tidying your house. On Saturday is recommended to show gratitude to your family, it's a powerful day for connection with all your ancestors.

Saturday it's a great day to summarize the weekly achievements, analyze mistakes, and finish all the tasks. Planning is better to postpone to Sunday.

Best Crystals connected to Saturn and help to harmonize it's energy on Saturday.

How to plan your day with Planet's energy

Vedic Astrology explains how to organize your day according to the Planets, how to sort out your weekly tasks and responsibility to make your week more productive.

Crystals can help to soothe Planets energy and help to stay more conscious during the day and understand how Planets impact your mood, energy, and productivity.

To summarize, we created a short list of plans of the week.

Sunday. Best day for planning for entire week, months, and year. Spend your day on fresh air, take a sun bath.

Monday. Take it easy, avoid rushing into things, slow down. Best day for any swimming, water activities.

Tuesday. Best day to finish thing you have planned for months but never started. Avoid socializing, meetings, conflicts on this day.

Wednesday. Best day to invite friends or family for fun, meet for business or social.

Thursday. Excellent day for donating your time, money, or things. Great time for spiritual work or travels.

Friday. Day of beauty, romance, love, flirting. Best day to go on date, get married or have a beauty day.

Saturday. Great day for house cleaning and mind cleansing. Perfect day for gratitude and summarizing for the whole week.

Harmony Jewellery wishes you to harmonize your daily energy and have a very productive week. May Planets support you in daily activities and help to achieve the greatest success and happiness.