How to live in Harmony

When I close my eye for a moment, I imagine our planet and its citizens living in harmony, peace, emotional stability, with food on the table in each home, good thoughts in each head and good relationship between all countries, people, families. The world without wars, fears, hunger and depression, a beautiful new planet with love, respect, happiness, peace, and harmony. Maybe imaginary world, but it could be real one day…

Only together we can create a Harmony. Start with yourself! Don`t wait for other people to change, you don`t have a power over them, but you have an inner strength to change yourself. Put the first brick in building a better planet! Life will dramatically get better once you will choose the path of being a harmony.

Because life is like a book, written with many chapters, - close the one you don`t like anymore, and start it over. Rewrite your life experiences, forgive yourself and others, and think/ act like the new person would do. It takes lots of work and commitment over your mind and body, they need to be connected and working together with one mission “living in Harmony”.

Harmony is perfect balance in all accepts of life, from love, work, social, physical, and emotional life, to hobby and personal achievements. Finding that perfect balance between spiritual and material world is reachable. But how to do that?

Once you have a goal, you would need to focus of your intention to the realistic plan. We are all brave by night, but lazy in the morning. Stay committed to your goal.

I have few tips how I used to achieve small and big goals, and it helped me a lot through difficult and uncertain times.

8 Advises how to live in Harmony from Harmony Jewellery

  1. Get rid of fears and wrong ideas in your mind. They are your biggest enemies. Feeling lack of money, love, friends, or anything else is closing a door of possibilities, totally wrong path. Start feeling and living as you are in harmony with your finances, relationship, personal achievements, emotional and physical health. Change the focus from what you don`t have to what you have.

    Amethyst, Fluorite, Clear Quartz Crystals can help you to cleanse you mind, find inspiration, remove negativity, reach harmony.

  1. Get a notebook and set a plan for a day, a month, a year. It is important to keep your mind focused. Even the best ideas can get lost in chaotic mind with countless thoughts and tasks during the day. Write what you need to improve, if it`s health, focus on exercise, - start a hiking group, yoga class, calm your mind.

    If you feel you are far from harmony because of finances, set the realistic number you would feel comfortable with (don`t look up for just pretty pictures, look what is behind the scenes of that picture). Making good living from the job you love is a big dream for many people, and it`s doable. Be good in what you do, be an expert in your field, and money will follow your along with your dream.

    Love lack is fixable when you enjoy loving yourself first! Feel love before the relationship with other part, spark the love from inside. Build the healthy relationship with yourself first, enjoy spending “me time” and other part will find you. People get attracted to what is already fulfilled.

    Set your goals to have harmony in any fields of your life and fill your energy equally to each part of your life.

    Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Citrine and Sunstone are great crystals for setting and achieving goals, motivate you for success and focus your intention on the goal.

  1. Meditate every day. Daily meditation is as important as daily shower and brushing your teeth. Cleansing your mind from negative energy and bad thoughts is crucial. Meditation can change your mindset from “a victim” to “a creator” mind being. You would be able to open your heart and mind to new possibilities, change your brain to a new state to receive new knowledge. 15 minutes a day can change your life. Selenite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst are perfect crystals for meditation.

  1. Get Crystal Bracelet with intention. Once you set an invention, be sure remember about it every day. Getting a crystal bracelet with the crystal that supports your goal can help you to stay focused and be more motivated spiritually.

    Get a RoseQuartz bracelet for love, Citrine for success, Jade to balance your energy, Amethyst to relieve the stress and calm your mind, Tiger Eye for good luck and protection, ClearQuartz to cleanse to energy and feel a fresh start, Moonstone to support you during the changes in your life etc... Follow the simple rules - set the intention with a bracelet, wear it every day, enjoy the energy of crystals and patiently wait until it will manifest in your life.

  1. Be open and take a chance to new possibilities. At the age of 35 human mind is a set of predictable events, situations, behaviors, at some point being uncomfortable and unhappy can feel comfortable. Every year it gets harder and harder to change the things which doesn`t feel right. But it`s never late to try and take chances. There are lots of noises from media, negative people, and your own mind, they make you feel week and scared, - just turn it off, listen your heart, signs, and intuition. Be present in this moment, watch what`s happening with clear mind, not emotions. The best door will open to you, just be sure to go there, even if you feel unsure to leave your comfortable zone, which is no more comfortable.

    Moonstone and Labradorite are perfect crystals to support you during the changes in your life, bring you strength during the transitional time.

  1. Believe in Yourself, connect to your inner Devine. The power is within you! Every human has inner strength and lots of potential, but it is good for the world governors to make people feel powerless and dependent, make them to forget about their spiritual strength. Don`t let it happens. Even it may feel impossible to change the world order, but even the drop in the ocean counts. Spiritual awakening may bring you great power to live and create a better place around you, increase your vibration, reach another dimension, wake up from fears and pain, connect to the Devine and receive the greatest knowledge from the Universe.

    Believe in yourself, in your inner creator, who is more than what you could ever imagine. Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Carnelian and Kyanite can support you spiritually.

  1. Be grateful every day. Simple gratitude practice can absolutely change your vision and prospective. Shifting focus and noticing great things, situations, and people around you, will make you feel better, as well as make you appreciate your achievements. Universe gives more to grateful people and take away from people who always complain because of shortage/ lack of something.

    Wake up with a smile, even when the life is not perfect now. Wish yourself a good day, give thanks for the food, even when it`s not your favorite, home, even if it`s far from you dream house, knowledge, even if you feel you don`t know anything, etc. Do it sincerely, learn how to appreciate little things and be happy now, not when you reach a certain step of your life. Sometimes you can fake it, until you make it.

    Remember, mind is everything, feel whole and harmonized today, and tomorrow material will just come as something what is already there.

    RainbowFluorite, Green Aventurine, Sunstone, Amethyst are great crystals to practice gratitude.

  1. Never stop doing spiritual work. It happened with me, and it happens with many people. We get excited about spiritual practices, we do it every day until we reach our goal, but once we receive it, we stop. Please, do not stop! Once you commit yourself to become a better version of yourself, grow every day and never stop learning.

    Being spiritual is not being a magician or a witch, being spiritual is being kind, grateful, connected to your inner creator and the greatest knowledge of Universe. You should feel it every day, and never go back to the previous mind set. Surely, spiritual work can be a one-time goal practice, but it would feel much better if it will become your new life, where you can grow spiritually.

    Selenite and Clear Quartz are the master healer crystals, will support you during your spiritual transformation.


On one hand our current world may look like a total mess, and far from a Harmony World, but at the other hand it may appear as the world of love, happiness, and life lessons. We live in multidimensional world, with good and bad at the same situation. Learn how to see and understand both sides of the reality. You are the power, you are the creator of your own life, as well as the contributor to the entire planet life. So, choose Harmony, discover how every step you make to improve your life, every time you help others and do some goodwill, you add so much to the changing the entire world mind and our world.

Harmony Jewellery wishes you to learn how to live in the Harmony, be a Harmony and enjoy Harmony in all aspects of your life !